Previous Versions?

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Previous Versions?

Post by cwb »

This may have been mentioned before, if so, I missed seeing it.

Ever considered having a place for the previous versions of Hiarcs UCI to be purchased on the Hiarcs website? I know the Shredder site has a place for previous versions to be purchased, true the GUI is being sold too, but... The old versions page listing wouldn't have to be obvious, make them look for it on the site. On the Shredder site some digging has to be done before the old versions link is found.

Wouldn't have to factor in a discount just offer them at the price they were originally sold at. Maybe not many sold but a few would maybe?

Probably wouldn't work though? What with the possible complications of running some of the versions on Vista? People buying an old version and then complaining because it won't run on such and such operating system, and then the parameters page of each version would have to be available for viewing, too. Too much of a headache. Oh well, just a thought.
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